Olivers Homepage
the Mexico Photo Pages

These are photos from our trip to Mexico
in July/August 2000 (
Part 1: Mexico City)

Mexico City

Explore the meanings of the famous sun stone in the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City with your mouse:
Hold the mouse over the desired picture !
(works with Internet Explorer only)


More picture from the recommended Museum of Anthropology.

Of course, this is not a museum, but the "Pasteleria Ideal"...

Mexico City - Xochimilco

Here you can watch the "floating gardens" of Xochimilco in colorful gondolas.

Mexico City - Teotihuacan

The "Pyramid of the Moon" the  Aztec city of  Teotihuacán

The Temple of Quetzalcoatl

Detail of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl

Travel-Links MEXICO

Aerocaribe Airline - MayaPass

Click on a town to see the photos of that region...
...or go
to the  next photo page of Mexico (part 2: Women's Island)

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